Getting Started With The Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle - Vanescente

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Getting Started With The Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle

Do you get overwhelmed thinking about going through all the resources in a big bundle like the Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle? I often do too and sometimes end up not going through any of them!

But that's silly. It's better to apply some ideas from a few resources than not apply anything because you're too busy to set aside time to go through ALL of them. It's like of like that saying... "Done is better than perfect."

To help you narrow down all the great resources to choose what's best for you, today I'm going to share some of my favourite resources from each category. That will give you a starting point and then you can choose other ebooks or ecourses or printables when you're ready to try some more ideas.

[Update: Sorry this bundle sale is over. If you'd like to find out about similar future bundles, click here. For other great decluttering and organizing resources, check out my Organizing Resources page.]


I'm going to start with the Decluttering category... of course :)  And actually, all 3 of these resources are great! I can't pick a favourite. Take a quick scan of each of them and start with the one that resonates most with you and your life. Step By Step Declutter has some printables at the end if that's something that helps you while you're decluttering.

Both ebooks are realistic and help you declutter in a manageable way. They break it down step by step for you. And the thing I really like is these are written by women who have had to deal with clutter themselves. They get it :)

I've just started going through the Freed from Clutter Declutter Challenge ecourse and I love it. It's normally $47 so it's a great deal to get it as part of this bundle along with 37 other resources!

Family Organization

In the Family Organization category of the Conquer Your Clutter Bundle, I want to highlight a couple of ebooks.

The Home Organizing DIY Assessment Workbook is a really helpful starting point. It helps you assess what's not working in each area of your home and identify how much pain it's causing you. Once you've identified all these issues, you can put a plan together to deal with them. *Note: this process can be overwhelming to some people, but by getting everything down on paper it can help you stop worrying about everything and just focus on dealing with one area at a time.

Organizing Life As Mom will help you organize pretty much your whole life. It won't happen overnight, but as you work your way through it you'll be a much more organized mom. And it's filled with TONS of great printables (many of them are even fillable on your computer which is great if you've got messy handwriting!). These printables can help you along the way.

And, if you've got school-aged kids, you know it can be overwhelming dealing with everything related to school... homework, paperwork, school supplies, etc. The Organizing For School Success Kit will walk you through a simple but comprehensive and powerful school paper and homework management system. It's normally $27 but you're getting it along with 37 other great resources for only $29.97!

Managing Your Time

So often I hear from people that they don't have time to declutter or get organized. But really we all have the same amount of time in our days... we just choose to spend our time in different ways. The resources in this section are really helpful if you want to manage your time better. Once you've learned a few strategies, you'll find you can make more time for the things that are priorities for you.

Spend Your Days really helps you with the priorities part of it. I'm reading through it right now and so far it's really helping me establish what's important for me to spend my time on instead of all the stuff I end up doing instead.

Clearly this category is something I need to work on because I also want to read Never-Ending To-Do List. My list is never finished. Ever. I skimmed this book and what I love is that the whole book only takes about an hour to read so you don't need to add it to your to-do list :)

If you've got little kids, the routine cards are SO cute and can be really helpful. I'd suggest printing them on cardstock, laminating them and then adding velcro strips to the back. Then create a "To Do" and "Done" chart and your kids can move each card over when they finish doing that part of their routine. Kids love that kind of thing and it will save you from constantly asking if they're finished things or nagging them to get things done.

Meal Planning

I'm so lucky that my hubby does a lot of our cooking so I don't do much meal planning. There was a period when he worked through our dinner times though so dinner prep fell on my shoulders and it was SO much less overwhelming when I had a hidangan plan for the week.

If you've never hidangan planned, check out Meal Planning Made Easy. It takes you step by step through the process!

And if you've got an overwhelming mess of recipes that you've pulled from magazines, printed from the internet, and inherited from your mom or grandma, you can organize them ALL with the Printable Recipe Binder Kit (there's a full-size and a half-size version in this bundle). It will make your meal prep much easier and you'll declutter at the same time!

Organizing Papers & Files

I am really excited to read both Evernote Essentials and The Ultimate Unofficial Dropbox Guide! I've used Evernote and Dropbox before, but I know I'm not using them to their full potential. If you want to reduce the paper clutter in your home, both of these tools can help you digitize and organize some of your important papers. They're both normally $29 each so to get BOTH of them, along with all the other resources in this bundle for only $29.97 is amazing!

I've read my friend Lisa's book The Sunday Basket before and it's so helpful for keeping on top of the paperwork that comes in your home on a daily and weekly basis. If you find things are slipping through the cracks (overdue bills, invitations you forgot to RSVP for, lost school trip forms, etc.) then you'll want to read The Sunday Basket and implement a similar system.

I'm pretty organized with our finances, but if you need to organize yours, the 2017 Budget Planner is really helpful. It's full of printable pages to help you with every aspect of your finances. And it's SO pretty! I don't know about you but sometimes having pretty tools keeps me more motivated to use them :)

Printable Planners

Planners are really a very personal choice, so if you're looking for a good planner to help you stay organized, I'd encourage you to check out each of the ones in this bundle and pick the one that will most suit your needs. Or you can even pick parts of different planners to make the perfect planner for you! There are two planners in this bundle that are over 100 pages each and one of them normally sells for $47.00 but you get both of them and all the other resources in this bundle for only $29.97.

Here are a few other amazing tools in this category:

First of all, if you use a planner and like having colourful stickers, you have to check out the Printable Planner Stickers included in this bundle. Oh. My. Goodness. There is a sticker for every imaginable event or activity you might want one for. And they are SO colourful! It will make your planner a super happy place to keep track of everything :)

Next I want to mention the Wanderlist travel planning tool kit. If you're thinking of going on a special vacation in the next few years, you're going to LOVE this kit. It's chock full of amazing travel tips (many that will save you way more money than the cost of this bundle!) that will help you plan and have the most amazing vacation ever! It also includes printable research pages, checklists, packing lists, and much more.

Lastly, if you enjoy creating printables, or would like to become better at it, you'll love the Make Your Own Printables ecourse. I'm looking forward to going through it (as soon as I finish a few of the time management resources!).  This course is usually $49 and you get it as part of this bundle! You could save a lot of money if you ever buy printables. And you could even start making printables that you could sell online. What an amazing value!

Cleaning & Chores

Well, cleaning is another area I need some help in. I love decluttering and organizing, and appreciate a clean home, but I'm not a big fan of actually cleaning it. I have gotten my kids on board to do a bunch of cleaning tasks though :) I'm going to check out the 2017 Motivated Moms Chore Planner and see if it will help us spread the load so we can all contribute to cleaning and maintaining our home!

I haven't gone through any of the cleaning resources yet (so many other great ones I'd rather dig into!), but I have heard GREAT feedback about Energy Budget: Time Management For The Chronically Ill (And Others With Longterm Roadblocks). It's so hard to follow a cleaning routine when you have good days and bad days. This ecourse addresses this and helps you find a way to budget your time and energy when your time and energy are unreliable. If that's you, or someone you know, then I hope you find this ecourse helpful! I'm going to check it out for tips to help some of my clients. Again, this is a great value because this course usually costs $78 and you're getting it plus 37 other resources for only $29.97!

Using the Resources in this Bundle

Hopefully my recommendations and favourites will help you know where to dig into this bundle. But, if you're still overwhelmed at the thought of going through so many resources, here are a few suggestions to help you use them:

  • Plan to go through one resource per month (works well for the 30 days ones and seasonal ones!). Add specific resources to your calendar so you'll remember to start a new one each  month. As you read them, complete any action items so you're taking practical steps throughout the month. 
  • For shorter resources, plan to go through one each week. Again, do the actions and activities involved so you can see progress. 
  • Start with the planner category and choose a planner that will help you get organized in 2017. Set it up and work on using it until it becomes a habit.
  • Start with the category that you think you need to focus on the most and pick one ebook or ecourse or printable pack to work through. 
  • Alternate between ecourses, ebooks, and printables. That will give you variety and you'll be more likely to keep going. 

There are lots of ways you can maximize your use of the Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle! Don't worry about going through ALL of them. That would be overwhelming. As long as you download everything you'll be able to go back to any of them that become more relevant later.

What's The Catch?

It’s hard to believe, but you get 38 high-quality, valuable products to help you get organized for less than the price of some of these resources on their own!

Which means that even if you only choose to dive into a few resources in the bundle (although you could aim for all 38 if you really wanted!), you’ll have already saved money compared to the cost of buying them individually.

OK. I realize this sounds a bit unbelievable, and you’re probably wondering what the catch is, right?
The only catch is that The Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle will be on sale for just a few more days.

After that, if you want to buy any of the ebooks, ecourses, or printables, you’ll have to pay for them all individually.

Oh, and I nearly forgot to mention that the Ultimate Bundles team is offering a 100% happiness guarantee. So if you’re not totally thrilled, just let them know, and they’ll be happy to refund you completely. You really have nothing to lose :)

As if the ecourses, ebooks, and printables weren’t enough of a no-brainer, you also get to redeem $40 worth of brilliant bonus offers from You Need a Budget and SaneBox, tools to help you save time and money. I've checked them out briefly and they look really helpful!

When it comes to getting your life organized, you could go it alone: you could figure out your own systems and see how it works. The two key questions to ask yourself are:

  1. Do you have the time to figure it out?
  2. Can you afford the cost of the errors in a “trial and error” approach?

The way I see it, you’re far more likely to finally get organized this year with the help of all the smart, practical resources that come in The Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle.

If you agree, now is the time to act. At 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time, the bundle will come off sale for good!

Let’s make the next 12 months your most organized, most unfrazzled ever!

Don’t miss out, because the doors are closing in just…

 Do you get overwhelmed thinking about going through all the resources in a big bundle lik Getting Started With the Conquer Your Clutter Super Bundle

Here are a few other posts I've written about the bundle if you'd like more details:

Note: I'm an affiliate for this sale, so if you purchase a bundle through one of my links, I'll earn a commission.  But I'd promote this bundle anyway because it's a great deal! I only promote products I know can help you go from overwhelmed to organized. I appreciate your support, and commissions like these help me keep everything on this site free. Thanks!

Ready to get organized this year?! Let's do this! Ask me any questions you have about the bundle before it ends tonight! I'll be checking comments all day and evening or you can email me at organizerhilda @ gmail .com.

 Happy decluttering and organizing!

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